Who we are





I set up Profitably Engaged in 2012 to work as an independent coach, business mentor and facilitator after 20 years of working in senior Operational and HR roles.

As well as the things you might look for on paper – World class business education or impressive professional qualifications, myself and my associates have know how and “grit” because we have worked in many different organisations and walked the walk. We have experience in everything from FTSE 100 companies, multinational charities to family businesses. We have worked across many sectors – retail, hospitality, manufacturing and publishing to name a few. We have worked with both individuals and teams, MDs and CEOs and newly appointed apprentices and graduates. Our range of experience and skills means we can flex our experience to support your business, whatever you do and however big or small you are.

You and your people are in safe and experienced hands. We won’t blind you with science, psychology or business speak (even though we know a lot about all of those). We’ll just help you to identify quickly and honestly what you need to do. And then help you to do it.

– Dulcie Swanston



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