Work Life Balance – For Real

Work Life Balance – For Real

Work Life Balance – For Real

I set up Profitably Engaged because I strongly believe it is entirely achievable to have a great work and home life. And still achieve your goals…probably at a higher level than you believe possible.

Someone very wise once said to me “Achieving a lot AND being happy is not bloody rocket science, Dulcie, but you need to pay attention to some really good brain science…”

We are all born and all die. The only other thing that is constant for everyone is that we all have 24 hours in a day and 7 days in a week. You, me, Einstein, JK Rowling, Rembrant, Steve Jobs…no one has more or less.

So what do we do when we are short on time, but big on ambition – for ourselves and for other people?

My kids (5 of them…told you I was short on time !) asked me what I did for a job. I said that when someone is good at something, whatever that is, I help them to be even better. They obviously asked how. I said that I help people to find the 1 or 2 things that are stopping them being absolutely brilliant, rather than just good at something. And then I help them to fix it. But I try to keep it really simple.

My youngest daughter asked me more “Are you bossy when you do that Mum?” I had to admit “Yes I suppose I am…But I try to be really nice as well, because being just bossy doesn’t really work.” She asked “Do so scientists say that being nice is important too and is that why you do it?”  Busted. By an 8 year old. Oh well…

So that’s me in a nutshell. Please share you in a nutshell and your ideas. Let’s create a bit of a revolution where you don’t have to spend your whole weekend reading a self-help guide or the latest management bible to make a change and see the difference. But let’s hold each other’s feet to the fire too. Let’s be honest about what does and doesn’t work. This is no place for things that are great in theory only – I am definitely a make it count in cash terms kind of person !

I love brain and people science. But made simple. One idea at a time. So you can change your mind fast. And help others do the same. And weirdly (or not if you know some of this already!) get much better results and make more money. In a lot less time.

Making the most of your talents – whether at work or at home is not rocket science or the stuff of MBAs or a thousand self help guides…perhaps it just seems so because there are a lot of people, with a lot of career time or money invested, that need us to believe it’s more complicated than than it actually is…

Here are some things I didn’t used know. But now I know I know them, they are really useful

None of us are ever the finished article.

When we stop trying to be perfect and let ourselves off that hook and accept that we learn more from failure than we do from success, we really get momentum.

Your world can become a better place, one conversation at a time. But meaning to have the conversations doesn’t work.

You can create great new habits if you give things a go. Doing the same things that don’t work so well is not a great habit.

We can help each other by sharing what we learn – both when it goes great and when it bombs…

We are all short on time and  big on ambition. (StBAM for short) Let’s learn from one another to make big things happen – one quick, small change at a time

Let me know what you think…

Read more on some other sites I contribute to:


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